Infrared (thermal imaging) is an advanced, non-invasive technology that allows the inspector to show homeowners things about their homes that can’t be revealed using conventional inspection methods. An IR camera can detect energy loss moisture intrusion, electrical hot spots, pest infestations, and much more.
What Can Infrared Cameras Detect?
Energy Lose
Heat loss and air infiltration in walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors.
Radon is a colorless, odorless gas caused by uranium and granite decay in the soil. Where a home is situated on the soil can affect whether radon will be an issue inside the home. Radon enters in multiple ways, including cracks or openings in the foundation. By design, homes are built to keep utility costs low and to retain heat; however, this also creates an environment in which radon gas infiltrating the home becomes trapped and can accumulate to unsafe levels.
How Does Radon Enter A House?
The differences in air pressure between the inside of a building and the soil around it also play an important role in radon entry. If the air pressure of a house is greater than the soil beneath it, radon will remain outside. However, if the air pressure of a house is lower than the surrounding soil (which is usually the case), the house acts as a vacuum, sucking radon gas inside. Because radon comes from the soil, the geology of an area can help to predict the potential for elevated indoor radon levels. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has worked with state and federal geologists to develop maps which predict the potential indoor radon levels for every county in the United States. Those counties with the highest potential are designated as Zone 1; those with the lowest as Zone 3.
Mold and airborne mold spores are a part of life and not an issue when their quantities are in a “normal” or insignificant amount. Even outside in the fresh air, there are a certain number of mold spores that naturally occur. The problem becomes when mold begins growing in a home causing damage to the structure and health ramifications associated with its tiny spores, which can easily become airborne and inhaled as mold grows. Our mold testing procedures involve different ways to detect mold, identify the types and whether or not they are in excessive quantities. If the mold results come back with a problem, this is when you know more work needs to be done to uncover where the mold is growing and to stop the source that is allowing the mold to thrive. Mold cannot live without proper moisture levels that is why you find mold in homes that have leaks in various areas. This could come from a roof leak, plumbing leak, window leak, siding on the home failing to keep moisture out, improper ventilation of bathrooms and more. Many times mold is visible and can be cleaned up but in the cases where the mold is growing in the ceiling, walls, under carpeting or flooring, it is important to have the right kind of method to test if there is a hidden problem area.
Mold Testing Procedure
All of our inspections include a visual mold inspection, if there are any sign of potential for problems, your inspector will notate that in the report. From there you can decide whether we conduct a swab test of the area to confirm it is mold and what type. For concerns about mold that may be hidden we recommend doing an air quality test. In this type of test we place spore traps throughout the home, then, using a special machine, pull air through the cartridge which then traps whatever was in that sample of air. This is then compared to an outdoor sample taken (the control sample) which then shows whether there is a mold issue causing problematic mold spores to enter the air. All of our testing is conducted by a mold certified lab that specializes in this type of interpretation.
At Triumph Home Inspections, we have options for many types of water testing. Usually this is done for a home in which the water supply comes from a private well. Testing can provide peace of mind that the water used in a home is clean, safe to consume and low levels of different compounds found in water.
Well Flow Inspections
Using a specialized meter, our Well Flow Test determines if the well produces enough water to support your household’s water requirements. Between drinking, washing hands, taking showers, doing dishes, washing laundry and watering your landscape the demand for sufficient water is highly important to address on a home which depends solely on their own well supply. In addition to a visual inspection of the wells’ components that can be seen, we are inspecting and measuring two different aspects of the well’s function. These are the numbers that truly matter and will tell you how that well is performing:
1. Flow Rate: making sure the output is sufficient for the households size.
2. Recovery Rate: Equally important is whether the well can recover sufficiently when used consistently over the course of several hours. The well is fairly drained at that point and now measurements can be taken to see how quickly that water will replenish in the tank.
3. Water Bacterial Test: Part of the inspection includes taking a sample of water and testing it for the presence of bacteria; specifically E. Coli. and Coliforms. It is important to ensure there is no bacterial contamination coming from around the well that could cause sickness.
Va & Real Estate Water Testing
Our VA or Real Estate Water testing is the most comprehensive water service we offer, and it tests for more in a water sample and also include the bacterial test.
Wood destroying insects such as termites can cause an incredible amount of damage to a home in a short period of time. These insects are important to our ecosystem as they do the job of breaking down dead trees and speeding up the process of decay however this is precisely why these insects need to be removed quickly if they manage to get inside of a home.
Termite Inspection Process
During The Inspection
The certified inspector will examine both the outside and inside of your property, including the attic, patios, porches, garage and the basement (if applicable). They will also look for possible leaks in areas with high moisture content such as the bathrooms and kitchen. WDI inspections can take an hour or more, depending on the size and intricacy of the property. Our specialist will be searching for insects themselves (dead or alive), pellets, wings, and the classic tubes/tunneling they create.
After the inspection is complete, you will receive a report that describes anything the specialist found, whether it be the pests themselves or damage they left behind. The report will also provide recommendations for treatment or repair going forward.
Schedule a free consultation with one of our technicians.